Terms of Service

Article 1 Application and modification of terms and conditions

  • This Terms of Service defines the terms and conditions of use for the CloudXPM service provided by Atlas Networks Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the 'Company').
  • The contents of these Terms and Conditions take effect through agreement at the time of membership registration and by notification.
  • The Company may, when necessary, modify these Terms and Conditions in accordance with changes in relevant laws or policies. The modified terms will be announced through the company's website, and users are required to familiarize themselves with and adhere to the modified terms.

Article 2: Use of the Service

  • Members can use the services provided by the company. To use the service, members must complete the membership registration and login procedures according to the company's prescribed process.
  • The service is generally available 24/7, unless there are operational or technical impediments on the part of the company. Scheduled service interruptions due to such activities should be notified in advance.
  • The company may temporarily suspend the service at the date or time designated by the company for regular system inspections, server expansion, and improvement work.
  • The company cannot provide prior notice of service interruptions caused by natural disasters beyond the company's control or by the intentional or negligent acts of third parties.

Article 3: Duties of the Company

  • The company shall ensure that users can use the service from the commencement date of the requested service.
  • The company must provide the service that members have applied for continuously and reliably.
  • The company must not disclose or distribute the personal information of members, acquired for the purpose of providing the service, to third parties without the member's consent and must maintain confidentiality.
  • In cases where it is required for investigative purposes under relevant laws or upon the request of the Korea Internet & Security Agency, information may be provided to the customer after notifying them through legal procedures.
  • If the company deems a member's opinions or complaints to be valid, it must be addressed promptly; otherwise, the reasons for not doing so must be explained.
  • The company is not responsible for the results of any actions taken by members through the services provided by the company.

Article 4: Member's Obligations

  • Members must provide accurate and truthful information when applying for membership or updating personal information. If a member registers using another person's information, they cannot claim any rights.
  • Members must comply with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, the matters announced by the company, and relevant laws and regulations. They should not engage in any actions that disrupt the company's operations or tarnish the company's reputation.
  • Members are responsible for updating their personal information, such as email and contact details, through the designated process when changes occur.
  • Except in cases where the company assumes responsibility in accordance with relevant laws and the personal information protection policy, members are responsible for the management of their ID and password and any consequences resulting from negligence or unauthorized use.

Article 5: Limitation of Liability

  • The company is not responsible for any damages incurred by the member during the use of the service.
  • The company is not responsible for service interruptions caused by the member's fault.
  • The company is not responsible for service interruptions due to natural disasters or national emergencies.

Article 6: Fees and Payment

  • The fees for using the service are determined according to the company's announcements or instructions, and members must pay the specified fees using the designated method.
  • In principle, refunds are not supported. Members are recommended to make a careful decision before paying the service fees.

Article 7: Supplementary Provisions beyond the Agreement

  • Matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the provisions of the Telecommunications Basic Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, and other relevant laws and regulations.

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